DVDs/Tapes 46-50
DVDs/Tapes 51
Girl Specials 01 - 03
One Girl Specials 04 -06 |
46 |
- Simply Delicious
"Yum, yum - Simply Delicious" exclaimed Dave, his eyes rolling around,
licking his lips like the cat who got the cream. "Had a nice lunch
then Dave did you?" asked sweet Candice innocently. "Well............er.............yes
I suppose I did but........er..........." he stuttered. "Er what?"
she asked, very politely. "I was actually referring to your...........er.............underthings"
he replied, strangely embarrassed. "Underthings?" she laughed "I
never heard them called that in my life" she added "I call them knickers"
she continued brazenly. "Well as it's your first time I didn't want
to sound too forward, but I couldn't help mentioning them. They are
truly lovely" he explained. "Yeah, nice aren't they?" she smiled.
She is simply delicious all over. |
& Sarah - Double Trouble
A sunny day. A couple of cuties wearing stockings, looning
around recklessly and not seeming to care who was looking and
Dave with camera in hand. Perfect..........or so it would seem.
So why Double Trouble I hear you ask. Well everything was going
swimmingly. The skirts were flying, nice undies, cracking legs,
high heels but suddenly what sounded like a motor cycle running
out of petrol came pop-popping round the bend. Sat astride it
was the land owner, and he was OK with the filming but wanted
Dave to up roots and move down the track a little as he was about
some work, mentioning something about ground nesting birds. The
trouble was by the time they arrived at the new site his battery
had run out and he didn't bring his replacement. Doubly annoying
when you have two cuties to film. Ah well, there'll be another
day...................... |
- Wonder Legs
New girl Susan on her first mission for Oh La La was keen
to get started. She is a local East Midlands girl and hadn't
had far to travel. She showed Dave what she had brought to wear
and they agreed on a floaty, frilly sort of skirt that all the
girls seem to be wearing these days. "The stockings will be a
nice contrast against the white skirt" he remarked. "should be
about knee length " he thought so will be perfect. He had decided
to do some low angle shots and was surprised to see the stocking
tops showing already. "Wow - Wonder Legs!" he blurted
out. "Wonder legs?" she enquired, somewhat surprised "They're
not that good" she laughed. "Well I disagree" replied Dave "But
that's not what I meant" he added "well what DID you mean then?"
she asked. "Well they're so long it's a wonder I can see the
top of them from here" he quipped. Typical. |
- A Leafy Glade
"Aaaaah A Leafy Glade" sighed Dave as Rose leaned against
a fallen tree trunk, looking very promising in her old fashioned
summery outfit with a frilly petticoat clearly visible below
the hem. "Sounds like the name of one of those posh poems from
the olden days" giggled Rose, clearly in leg pulling mood. "It
does a little doesn't it but I just thought it captured the moment"
replied Dave. "seems like a nice secluded spot to give some air
to my legs anyway" continued Rose "What a splendid idea" smiled
Dave. "Cor blimey" exclaimed Rose "Keats will come round the
corner in a moment" she laughed. "Now now. That'll do" snapped
Dave playfully "On with the show" Rose duly obliged - in great
style. |
- Time For Tea
"Time For Tea?" asked Sophia sweetly "Well I was hoping
we could get cracking" replied Dave, adding"I am rather busy
today" "Oh come on. Don't be an old grouch. I always thought
you were the architypal Englishman and an Englishman can always
find time for a cup of tea" she replied. "Very true my dear.
Never let it be said I wasn't true to our national heritage.
If it helps you be less coy when it comes to revealing those
stocking and undies then I'm all for it" he cackled. "Well some
things never change do they" she sighed, shaking her head. "Very
true" agreed Dave with a wink. Don't ever change Dave, or you
Sophia. Phwoooar!! |
Titillating Tales Special #1 |
This video has natural sound throughout
with no music added. |
May - The Telephone Man
May was enjoying a cup of tea whilst chatting with one of the girls in the office.
They were discussing undies and other girlie things but suddenly the other girl
realised they had company. There was a telephone maintenance man checking the
lines and Jo May hadn't spotted him. She was to regret what she was saying, as
later on the telephone man thought he could take liberties, crawling under the
desk and ogling her undies from close range. Jo May caught him though and ticked
him off, but undeterred he sneaked another look as she clambered onto a filing
cabinet to dust the picture frames. Finally, as she stood on the cabinet , he
could resist it no longer, jumping up, turning her skirt inside out as she ran
for the door, losing it completely in the process. |
- Freddie's Panty Model Dream
we are back at the bar again, but this time it's in dream mode.
Freddie Ferdinand, our local business man with a penchant for
lifting the girls' skirts has been working so hard lately.
Taylor, a new girl at the firm had just taken some papers to
his office. He looked her up and down and true to his form
started to fantasise about what she was wearing underneath.
He sat back in his chair and suddenly he was overlooking Taylor
who appeared to be going through some undies belonging to the
company. Protesting her innocence he told her if she was up
for a little modelling he would forgive her. She readily agrees
and after showing him what she was wearing that day, arrived
at the bar to model another five pairs, for some very appreciative
associates of Freddie. |
- Dress Rehearsal
Harrington, choreographer with a local theatrical company had
secured the services of Robyn for a forthcoming show. He was
expected at Robyn's place that evening but turned up early
to see her limbering up with stretches etc. and showing rather
more in the way of underwear than is normal. Clearly delighted
he explained that in fact the dance numbers did involve a little
skirt raising and a few high kicks which would obviously show
her underwear. Jarrod suggested she try on the stockings and
the two outfits, which she agreed to do, resulting in a dress
rehearsal in private, that Jarrod could hardly have expected.. |
Jayne - Hotel Hullabaloo
Wendy Jayne had been on a fancy dress hen night out to celebrate
her friend's forthcoming wedding. The Champagne had flowed
but even a girl with Wendy Jayne's stamina has to call it a
day sometime and she had retired to her hotel room. While finishing
off her Champers she realised all was not well with the netting
but as it was the middle of the night, no one was there to
help. She took things into her own hands subsequently but didn't
fare too well. But there was a bell boy to the resxue after
she trapped her foot in the steps, although he seemed a little
embarrassed at the time. |
48 |
- Cornered
"Ha!! I got you cornered now Paige" laughed Dave, in his usual jaunty mood. "Cornered?
What are you on about?" she retorted, a little bemused. "Oh don't take it seriously.
It's just a play on words, you know, you're up the corner, I'm here and.......oh
it doesn't matter" he muttered. "You know I really think you ought to be taking
more water with it Dave." she giggled, thinking about play on words etc. "Hmmmmmm.
far too clever for a girl as beautiful as yourself you are" he replied. "Awww,
you say the nicest things sometimes" she smiled. Well.....she is lovely isn't
she? |
- Sun Seeker
It was a warm sunny day up in the East Midlands when
Holly came for her debut shoot for Oh La La. She is a sun
worsipper and was eager to get some rays on her skin but
Dave was beckoning her towrds the woods. "Oh come on. We
don't get enough sun in this country as it is, why on Earth
do you want to be in the shade?" she protested. dave succumbed
and was rewarded with some very lovely, if a little naughty,
sequences of leggy Holly. |
- Welsh Rarebit
Dave had took a rare trip down to Caerphilly, in Wales,
to meet the captivating Lara-Lee with a view to a few sets
to further the cause. Well after a few trial runs he had
become totally spell bound. "You certainly are a rarity these
days Lara-Lee" he remarked. "In what way am I a rarity Dave?"
she asked. "A Welsh girl, as fresh as the mountain air, wearing
fully fashioned stockings and suspenders, that certainly
isn't an everyday sight down these parts" he replied, his
eyes full of wonderment. "You could say you are a bit of
a Welsh Rarebit" he continued with a lecherous little cakle.
"I thought that was cheese on toast" she laughed. "Not in
this cafe" he replied. "I think we'll leave it there" she
smiled "before you get carried away". |
- Fluttering By
Karen was having trouble with her suspensory equipment
as she wandered along the old footpath, just down the road
from where she lived. "Darned things these suspenders" she
complained as another one snapped undone. Just at that moment
a butterfly flew by. Dave, in lyrical mood uttered "Ah flutter
by little butterfly" as it disappeared into the distance.
"It would be handy if you could flutter over here and help
me secure these flipping suspenders." she snapped. "Ok don't
get your knickers in a twist" he replied, and was there like
a shot to help the poor maiden in distress. "There we are"
he grinned triumphantly . "Thanks. Now you can flutter off"
she laughed. "Huh. Some thanks I get" he moaned, but she
was only playing, and soon had Daves heart a-fluttering.
Tsk........... |
- Little Teaser
"Ooh I love a good book" said Kira as she relaxed on
the sofa, sitting in rather reckless fashion considering
what she was wearing. "You are a little teaser you know"
exclaimed Dave "Can't think what you mean" she grinned, her
eyes not straying from what was obviously a good read. "OK
I won't say any more nut if you are in such a flirty mood
you may as well stand up and give the boys a really good
show" suggested Dave. No sooner had he finished talking than
she was up and tucking her dress up over her waist. "Thought
you'd never ask" she giggled. "You obviously don't know me"
he grinned. How true..... |
49 |
- Guitar Lessons
had arranged guitar lessons with a Spanish bloke called Juan she met during a
photo shoot one day. She had already had a couple of lessons and had done her
homework well. This was her third lesson and she was showing Juan what she had
learned that week. It wasn't all she was showing though and Juan was becoming
more interested in her undewear than her musical prowess. |
- Elegance & Charm
A study in Elegance and Charm is what this sequence is
all about. Alexandra's Grandmother probably wouldn't agree
but she oozes those qualities as she adjusts the suspenders
on her luscious legs and the panties on her shapely bottom.
Her lovely smile shines throughout as she smooths those stockings
up her legs before straightening her knickers out in full
uninterrupted view of the camera. Lovely. |
- Early Bird
Dave was having a well earned lie in after a late night
working. Vicky was due at around 10.30 and Dave was to pick
her up from the station. He was however rudely awoken by
the telephone - at 8.15. "Hi Dave - I'm here" announced Vicky
chirpilly "What do you mean you're here? Where?" he retorted
grumpily "At the station of course. Come and pick me up and
stop being an old grump" she giggled "Grooooooogh" Dave moaned
"give me ten minutes to have a quick shower and I'll come
and pick you up then." he croaked "How come you're here so
early? You were supposed to arrive on the 10.30" he queried
. "I woke early and thought I'd surprise you" she chuckled
"See you in 20" and hung up. "Vicky the Early Bird" he muttered
to himself as he rolled out of bed. "doesn't sound right
somehow" he grumbled |
- Wine Lover
Now young Gemma, the curvaceous Essex girl with the winning
smile, likes a drop of wine or two. Don't we all I hear you
say. Well maybe we do indeed but Gemma becomes a different
girl after after a couple of glasses. And not in a bad way
either. It's just that she can appear to be a little distant
at first but when the old vino has taken effect, the skirts
are up like a shot. Just what you all want to hear I'm sure
so why particularly do I single her out as a wine lover.
Not her, fellas, it's me who's the wine lover. Anything
that can make a girl lose her inhibitions in such a way is
good news as far as I am concerned. I await your approval. |
- Men Do Make Passes
"What's up Nikki?" enquired Dave as she seemed a little
irritable. "Oh it's been a bit of a funny day at the office"
she replied, still wearing her work clothes "I lost my contact
lenses and had to wear these old glasses. The blokes in the
office never stopped looking at me. Must have been having
a right laugh at my expense" she added. "Ah that's where
you are wrong." replied Dave "Put a pair of bins on a girl
and there's something sexy about it straight away" he explained
"You know, the secretary thing, come and sit on my knee Miss
Jones" he laughed "Point taken. I did get a few winks as
I left tonight" she smiled. Proof enough that men do make
passes at girls in glasses. |
Petticoat Special No.11 |
- Cute Absolute
stunning debut for Oh La La by new girl Angelina. Perched
on a stool at the bar, wearing her pretty petticoat and hold
up stockings she looked so wonderful Dave nearly dropped
his camera. "Calm down Dave" giggled Angelina "I'm sure you've
seen it all before" "Well I thought I had but every now and
then we seem to unearth a diamond" he replied. "And am I
that diamond?" she smiled knowingly "Oh for sure" replied
Dave. "and we shall name this diamond Cute Absolute" he continued.
"I like it" smiled Angelina. So do we, Angelina, so do we. |
- A Frill In The Air
On a sunny spring morning, out in the East Midland countryside,
June was preparing to reveal somerthing a little special.
"Oh I love it out here" she said taking a deep breath "it's
so fresh" she continued, twirling round in her petticoats.
"Yes there's certainly a bit of a frill in the air" cackled
Dave as he caught sight of June's special frilly knickers
that looked like they had been nicked from The Moulin Rouge.
"Don't you mean a chill in the air?" replied June. "I know
what I mean't' he replied lecherously. '"You get worse" said
June as she cottoned on. He does though doesn't he? |
- Happy Go Lucky
Portia is from Cornwall but was up in the East Midlands
visiting family and friends when she was invited for a session
for Oh La La. Well as you can see here she certainly enjoyed
herself. She never stopped smiling and laughing all day and
her Happy Go Lucky attitude to life certainly made it's mark
enough for her to be pencilled in for another session whenever
she is up this way again. |
- Sweet Cherie
Our very own resident French girl Valerie was in a jaunty
mood when Dave paid her an unexpected visit last summer.
Skipping around her garden, full of 'Joie de Vivre' Dave
had soon whipped out the trusty old camera to record events.
"Would you like a drink Dave?" asked Valerie "Id love a sweet
sherry" he replied "Aah am I really your Sweet Cherie?" she
asked "No....er I mean yes.....I mean no.....oh never mind
I'll just have a cold beer" he replied as she planted a playful
kiss on his forehead. "You say the nicest things to me" she
said. Dave just shrugged his shoulders. Let's face it, who
could be sweeter than our Sweet Cherie? |
- The View From Here
Another of our new girls, Leah from Essex was on a short
holiday up in Yorkshire. Dave was staying nearby and Leah
had invited him over for tea and biscuits, in true English
tradition, but her thoughts turned to other things when Dave
explained what he got up to from time to time. "Sounds like
fun" she remarked as she began frolicking around the lounge.
She pointed towards the big panoramic window which looked
out over the valley below. "The view from here is amazing"
she said "Certainly is" replied Dave in an instant. "But
you're not even looking" she replied. "Oh yes I am" he laughed
"Oh you old devil" she giggled as she realised what was going
on. She's a quick learner. |
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note all tapes/DVDs are approximately 1 hour in duration |
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